A story of love, healing & medical revolution. Several chapters deal with diseases and provoking thoughts as to their origins and paths to overcome them such as Lyme Disease and Breast Cancer. Place the book in your waiting room for your patients to read. An abundance of real life case studies will support their decision of receiving ONDAMED treatment.
held in 2015 in Hollywood, Florida. This 2-day course DVD gives you an incredible tool to better understand the ONDAMED Technology. Dive into the world of energy medicine with Silvia's "planetory system" of the many different philosophies she teaches and implements in clinical use all over the globe.
This 200+ page manual for the in-depth, hands-on Intensive Course covers all aspects of ONDAMED therapy, and exploring physiological and analytical advantages of ONDAMED for any patient. Silvia's planetary system of different methods and philosophies help extend the use of ONDAMED including intuition, homeopathy, anthroposophy, unresolved shock/trauma connected to chronic disease and cancer (Hamer) and more. Purchase: $150 - shipping and tax included
The Biohacking Secrets Show By Anthony DiClementi