Advanced Practitioner Training
By Skype.
Focusing on the use of ONDAMED with other related philosophies and therapies including TCM, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Anthroposophy (Steiner), Osteopathy, Biological Dentistry and Orthodontestry, Bach Flowers, Psychosomatic Energetics, and more.
€700 | 2 hours
15 min
U.S. ONDAMED Advanced 2-Day Intensive Course
The Intensive Course for ONDAMED Practitioners, guided by Silvia Binder, Founder of the Institute, is an in-depth, hands-on course covering all aspects of ONDAMED therapy impacting a human's physiology, emotions, and spirituality and exploring the analytical advantages of ONDAMED for any patient.
This is an advanced course for ONDAMED Practitioners.
$750 | 2 Days
GERMANY ONDAMED Advanced 2-Day Intensive Course
The Intensive Course for ONDAMED Practitioners, guided by Silvia Binder, Founder of the Institute, is an in-depth, hands-on course covering all aspects of ONDAMED therapy impacting a human's physiology, emotions, and spirituality and exploring the analytical advantages of ONDAMED for any patient.
This is an advanced course for ONDAMED Practitioners.
€750 | 2 days